Who to Contact

Olympia Trust Company

Mika Dragoescu
Review Officer
envelope Dragoescum@olympiatrust.com
phone 403-668-8338


Craig Bentham
Mission Law
envelope cbentham@missionlaw.ca
phone 403-229-4440

Chris Croteau
Tingle Merritt LLP
envelope ccroteau@tinglemerrett.com
phone 403-571-8019

Neil Hutton
Mcleod Law LLP
envelope nhutton@mcleod-law.com
phone 403-225-6416

Melissa Cook
Field Law
envelope mcook@fieldlaw.com
phone 403-260-8512

Philip A. du Heaume
*Professional Corporation
envelope pduheaume@duheaumelaw.com
phone 780-718-8256


Jeff Kawamura
envelope jeff.kawamura@mnp.ca
phone 403-536-5539

Jon Oko
Crowe Mackay LLP
envelope Jon.Oko@crowemackay.ca
phone 587-408-1918

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